Remove Shower Contents
Remove soap, shampoo bottles, tooth brushes and so forth. You will be using chemicals such as bleach during this process which you do not want to come into contact with these items. Additionally, you need a clear working space.
Remove Dust
The shower frame can become very dusty on top over time as this is usually above eye level of most people and therefore can remain unseen. It's important to ensure to clean this off using a sponge / duster prior to commencing cleaning so you don't have to go back later.
Clean Shower Glass and Internal Walls Thoroughly
The shower class and internal walls are prone to a build up of soap scum, particularly in the lower areas. To clean this properly, apply some shower mist across these surfaces, and rub hard from top to bottom with a scourer sponge. For severe build up of soap scum, you can apply a liberal amount of cream cleanser such as Jif to the affected areas, and repeat the scrubbing process. Rinse thoroughly with a jug of clean water starting from the top of the glass / walls. Allow to dry.
The same process can be used for the outside of the shower.
Grout and Mould
The grout between tiles is prone to build up of mould, which is not only unsightly but dangerous for your family's health. To remove this, apply some strong bleach such as Domestos and a little bit of cream cleanser to the affected areas. Rub along the grout with a scourer or hard scrubbing brush. Leave the bleach to do its magic for 5-10 minutes and then rinse of thoroughly with a jug of clean water. Allow to dry.
The same approach can be taken for the corners / water sealed areas.
Note, bleach is harmful if it comes into contact with skin or is breathed in so always wear long armed gloves and ensure the room is well ventilated with the shower door open, windows open and bathroom fan switched on.
Shower Floor
Follow a similar method of cleaning as described for the shower glass.
Taps and Fixtures
Apply a liberal amount of shower spray and a dollop of cream cleanser to these areas. Scrub thoroughly from highest to lowest; i.e. starting from the shower head and working down to the taps / soap holders. Be sure to clean the intricate areas, such as all sections of the tap and underneath all items. If any fixtures are particularly dirty or grimy, use the hard scrubbing brush and some elbow grease to remove this. Rinse off with a jug of cold water, top to bottom. Allow to dry.
Final Touches
Continue your other work until the shower is dry. When you come back, go over any areas that may have been missed. Give the shower screen a final buff with a dry cloth to remove any water spots.
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